Janssen and Amgen Settle Patent Dispute of Stelara Biosimilar
- J&J has settled its patent infringement lawsuit against Amgen over a proposed ustekinumab biosimilar referencing Stelara. Amgen will be allowed to sell its ustekinumab biosimilar no later than Jan 2025
- Amgen highlighted the preliminary results from a P-III study which showed no clinical differences b/w ABP 654 and Stelara in adults with mod. to sev. PsO
- Ustekinumab, an anti-IL-12/IL-23 Ab drug indicated to treat PsO, PsA, CD, and UC. Acc. to a complaint filed last Nov 2022, J&J argued that Amgen’s ustekinumb biosimilar ABP 654 would infringe two patents
Ref: Bigmoleculewatch | Image: Janssen
Related News:- Samsung Bioepis Reports P-I Study Results of SB17, a Proposed Biosimilar to Stelara
Click here to read the full press release

Neha is a Senior Editor at PharmaShots. She is passionate and very enthusiastic about recent updates and developments in the life sciences and pharma industry. She covers Biopharma, MedTech, and Digital health segments along with different reports at PharmaShots. She can be contacted at connect@pharmashots.com.